TJCTF 2018 — Bad Cipher (50 pts)
Challenge Information
| Event | Challenge | Category | Points |
| TJCTF 2018 | Bad Cipher | Reverse Engineering | 50 |
My friend insisted on using his own cipher program to encrypt this flag, but I don’t think it’s very secure. Unfortunately, he is quite good at Code Golf, and it seems like he tried to make the program as short (and confusing!) as possible before he sent it.
I don’t know the key length, but I do know that the only thing in the plaintext is a flag. Can you break his cipher for me?
Challenge Detail
At the start , we can get two files.
An encryption programm.
message = "[REDACTED]"key = ""r,o,u,x,h=range,ord,chr,"".join,hexdef e(m,k): l=len(k);s=[m[i::l]for i in r(l)] for i in r(l): a,e=0,"" for c in s[i]: a=o(c)^o(k[i])^(a>>2) e+=u(a) s[i]=e return x(h((1<<8)+o(f))[3:]for f in x(x(y)for y in zip(*s)))print(e(message,key))
An encryed flag.
So I write a program to leak some plain text , and guess the length of the key.
message = "tjctf{"+"\x00"*49+"}"key = "b"ans = "473c23192d4737025b3b2d34175f66421631250711461a7905342a3e365d08190215152f1f1e3d5c550c12521f55217e500a3714787b6554"encryped_flag = []for i in range(56): temp = "" temp = temp + ans[i*2] temp = temp +ans[i*2+1] temp = "0x" + temp temp = int(temp,16) encryped_flag.append(temp)keylen = [1,2,4,7,8,14,28,56]for i in keylen: print "keylength"+str(i) l=i;s=[encryped_flag[j::l]for j in r(l)] tempm=[message[j::l]for j in r(l)] tempkey="" if i != 1: for j in range(i-1): secret = s[j][0] plain = tempm[j][0] if plain == "\x00": tempkey= tempkey+"?" else : tempkey=tempkey+chr(secret^ord(plain)^0) secret = s[l-1][len(s[0])-1] lastsecret = s[l-1][len(s[0])-2] plain = tempm[l-1][len(s[0])-1] tempkey = tempkey + chr(secret^ord(plain)^(lastsecret>>2)) else : for j in range(i): secret = s[j][0] plain = tempm[j][0] if plain == "\x00": tempkey= tempkey+"?" else : tempkey=tempkey+chr(secret^ord(plain)^0) for j in range(l): a = 0 plain = "" for c in s[j]: plain = plain + chr((a>>2) ^ ord(tempkey[j]) ^ c ) a=c print "plain["+str(j)+"]:"+plain
After execution the script , We can guess the length of the key is 8 , because the output of other key length is weird.We can get the some output like this.
Turn that output into a string just like
and I still don’t know what “?” is , so I wrtie some script to brute force it.
l=8message = "tjctf{?4ybe_Wr?t3ing_m1_3ncRypR10N_MY5?lf_W4Sn?_v_sm4R?}"ans = "473c23192d4737025b3b2d34175f66421631250711461a7905342a3e365d08190215152f1f1e3d5c550c12521f55217e500a3714787b6554"tempm = [message[j::l]for j in r(l)]tempkey = "3V@mK<?6"s=[encryped_flag[j::8]for j in r(l)]for i in range(32,256): key = tempkey[0:6]+chr(i)+tempkey[7] a=0 plain = "" for j in s[6]: plain = plain + chr(ord(key[6])^j^(a>>2))
a=j tempm[6] = plain gg = "".join("".join(y)for y in zip(*tempm)) result=e(gg,key) noflag = 1 for j in range(len(result)): if ord(result[j])<32 or ord(result[j])>256: noflag = 0 break if noflag == 1: print "flag="+gg print "len(result):"+str(len(result))
print "key ="+key print plain
And then , I get some string just like flag.
flag=tjctf{o4ybe_Wr3t3ing_m[_3ncRypV10N_MY5glf_W4Snv_v_sm4R5}key =3V@mK<X6flag=tjctf{n4ybe_Wr2t3ing_mZ_3ncRypW10N_MY5flf_W4Snw_v_sm4R4}key =3V@mK<Y6flag=tjctf{m4ybe_Wr1t3ing_mY_3ncRypT10N_MY5elf_W4Snt_v_sm4R7}key =3V@mK<Z6flag=tjctf{l4ybe_Wr0t3ing_mX_3ncRypU10N_MY5dlf_W4Snu_v_sm4R6}key =3V@mK<[6
I guess the first word is “maybe” , so I choose “tjctf{m4ybe_Wr1t3ing_mY_3ncRypT10N_MY5elf_W4Snt_v_sm4R7}”.
message = "[REDACTED]"key = ""r,o,u,x,h=range,ord,chr,"".join,hexdef e(m,k): l=len(k);s=[m[i::l]for i in r(l)] for i in r(l): a,e=0,"" for c in s[i]: a=o(c)^o(k[i])^(a>>2) e+=u(a) s[i]=e return x(h((1<<8)+o(f))[3:]for f in x(x(y)for y in zip(*s)))print(e(message,key))
message = "tjctf{"+"\x00"*49+"}"key = "b"ans = "473c23192d4737025b3b2d34175f66421631250711461a7905342a3e365d08190215152f1f1e3d5c550c12521f55217e500a3714787b6554"encryped_flag = []for i in range(56): temp = "" temp = temp + ans[i*2] temp = temp +ans[i*2+1] temp = "0x" + temp temp = int(temp,16) encryped_flag.append(temp)keylen = [1,2,4,7,8,14,28,56]for i in keylen: print "keylength"+str(i) l=i;s=[encryped_flag[j::l]for j in r(l)] tempm=[message[j::l]for j in r(l)] tempkey="" if i != 1: for j in range(i-1): secret = s[j][0] plain = tempm[j][0] if plain == "\x00": tempkey= tempkey+"?" else : tempkey=tempkey+chr(secret^ord(plain)^0) secret = s[l-1][len(s[0])-1] lastsecret = s[l-1][len(s[0])-2] plain = tempm[l-1][len(s[0])-1] tempkey = tempkey + chr(secret^ord(plain)^(lastsecret>>2)) else : for j in range(i): secret = s[j][0] plain = tempm[j][0] if plain == "\x00": tempkey= tempkey+"?" else : tempkey=tempkey+chr(secret^ord(plain)^0) print "key:" + tempkey for j in range(l): a = 0 plain = "" for c in s[j]: plain = plain + chr((a>>2) ^ ord(tempkey[j]) ^ c ) a=c print "plain["+str(j)+"]:"+plain
還原成字串後,會是這樣 ,問號的部分是需要暴力猜測的部分。
l=8message = "tjctf{?4ybe_Wr?t3ing_m1_3ncRypR10N_MY5?lf_W4Sn?_v_sm4R?}"ans = "473c23192d4737025b3b2d34175f66421631250711461a7905342a3e365d08190215152f1f1e3d5c550c12521f55217e500a3714787b6554"tempm = [message[j::l]for j in r(l)]tempkey = "3V@mK<?6"s=[encryped_flag[j::8]for j in r(l)]for i in range(32,256): key = tempkey[0:6]+chr(i)+tempkey[7] a=0 plain = "" for j in s[6]: plain = plain + chr(ord(key[6])^j^(a>>2))
a=j tempm[6] = plain gg = "".join("".join(y)for y in zip(*tempm)) result=e(gg,key) noflag = 1 for j in range(len(result)): if ord(result[j])<32 or ord(result[j])>256: noflag = 0 break if noflag == 1: print "flag="+gg print "len(result):"+str(len(result)) print "key ="+key print plain
flag=tjctf{o4ybe_Wr3t3ing_m[_3ncRypV10N_MY5glf_W4Snv_v_sm4R5}key =3V@mK<X6flag=tjctf{n4ybe_Wr2t3ing_mZ_3ncRypW10N_MY5flf_W4Snw_v_sm4R4}key =3V@mK<Y6flag=tjctf{m4ybe_Wr1t3ing_mY_3ncRypT10N_MY5elf_W4Snt_v_sm4R7}key =3V@mK<Z6
flag=tjctf{l4ybe_Wr0t3ing_mX_3ncRypU10N_MY5dlf_W4Snu_v_sm4R6}key =3V@mK<[6